Friday, June 1, 2012

Rough Week

It was not a good week.  I felt very over burdened by everything, and it was difficult to find a productive outlet for my frustration.  The worst of it was Tuesday night, and it bled over into Wednesday.  My stomach always craps out on me when I feel this way, so it was just a difficult week.
Nothing all that spectacular to report.  Looking forward to a fun weekend.  Just got my first paycheck.  It's missing about a weeks worth from what I'll normally be making.  It feels nice to be paid though.
Highlight of the week: I taught the blues to a bunch of Japanese 6th graders.  At first, they didn't really get why it was cool, but then I sang it for real, and they all got into it.  So hooray for using music to teach.  I think I make it work really well.  Also, if I don't bring my guitar, the kids might riot. Just sayin'
Dexter OUT
ps....This is going to be a full weekend...I'm sure the next port will be more exciting. And I'm going to try to remember to take my camera, so hopefully there will be pictures. Hooray!

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