Thursday, March 29, 2012


After another week of training, I'm feeling good about whats in store for me. I'm ready to start. A few more logistical things to work out, and then I'm on my way. I'm in a hotel in Mito right now, waiting for my new apartment to be ready. It's close to the train station, which is good, and also close to 3 out of 4 schools. So I will only have to drive 1 day out of the week. It shall be named "Driving Thursday," and I will attempt to run all of my errands on that day.
This past week has been fun. I made a friend. A good friend. It made exploring the city a lot more fun, and helped make the training more bearable. I've gotten to speak so much japanese. It's been incredible. And a lot of the people here, Japanese or not, have been really impressed by it. I've been getting used to the customs around here, and I think I'm assimilating well.
So, yeah. Four elementary schools. I'm pretty stoked. To be honest, I was terrified of getting placed in Junior High Schools. I just don't know what to do with that age group. Yesterday, my Branch manager pulled me aside, and kind of spilled the beans about where I was being placed. She told me about how she had heard great things about me from Cedric, Mr. Knight, Kevin, and some of the other trainers who saw my demo lesson last week. They said she was lucky to have me. And she said she was glad.
She introduced me to a woman who has a son at one of the schools where I will be teaching. And we talked about my experiences in Japan, and DBZ, and music. Then I got invited to dinner. It was weird. Even though this woman works at the branch that hired me, I feel like I was being treated with the honor of a sensei. I dunno.
I'm really happy right now.

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