Thursday, March 29, 2012

Here we go

So, super-scary-makes-dr-cox-look-friendly trainer has everyone cowering in fear for a few days guy. His name is Cedric. And I have no flight response. So we're training and training and fretting and stressing under not only bombardment, but double bombardment. And things aren't sinking in and we're rushing and everything is terrible. And then every time Cedric comes in the room, pulls names out of a box, brings the unlucky victim to the front of the room of 270 people and says, "Teach." And he isn't easy. He cuts you off, and asks, "What are you doing? Why would you do that?, etc." It has everyone dreading every moment he is around.

So today at the closing session, I was just like, "FUCK IT!" He pulled out a name and tortured victim number one. Then I stood up from the very farthest corner of the room(I should have seen this coming. He's at the north west side of the room and I'm at the south easternmost corner.) and said "Cedric." And in total anime fashion, I totally saw every body in the room turn and stare and I said "I would like to go." And then I did. And I was all like "KEE-YAH BITCHES!!!!!!!!!!" I owned that room. Everyone was up, and smiling, and having a good time. And then it was over. And I had a rousing round of appluase and was stopped and congratulated all the way back to my seat by all of the trainers and recruiters from around the country. And then I got back to my seat and Cedric says, "Where do you think you are going?" And I'm like fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck! So I run all the way back up there. And he shook my hand, and told me I had "it." And then he said "And we have something in common. You're a musician, right."

Apparently it shows. Apparently its a universal language. Boomski.

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