Thursday, April 19, 2012

My life over the last two weeks

Sorry about the lack of updates, everyone, but a whole lot of nothing has been happening lately, and I'd rather not update than update meaningless one-liners that would be better posted on twitter. So I will try my best to make this as interesting as possible, and soon, will have many things to past about.
My start date got pushed back a full two weeks later than originally anticipated. I'm still getting paid(Can I get a "hell yeah?") We had two more days of training during that time. It was good and useful, but it's hard to retain all of the information when I don't get to put any of it into practice because I'm sitting in my apartment NOT teaching.
I like Hitachinaka. After the initial exploration adventure, nothing of that caliber has really happened again. A bunch of us did get together recently for a night out. We went to my first authentic ramen house. It was delicious, and we spent a few hours just talking and hanging out. Then, we hit up a karaoke bar. it is very different in japan. Instead of a noisy crowded bar where everyone sings in front of everyone, you and your friends cram into a room and sing in front of each other. it is fun, in its own way, but it isn't what I'm used to. Its a very tiny space, and I feel bad belting into the ear of the person next to me. But we had fun, and then called it a night.
I'm a potential member for the Brass band here. But I will be playing flute. Brass band is just a term they borrowed to use for ensemble. I think...I had my first rehearsal yesterday. I showed up late, because Aya, one of the coolest girls I've met here, decided I shouldn't show up by myself, and she didn't finish work until 730. And she was driving me. So we rolled up and then her Dad saw us and told the conductor I was there (The were expecting me) so I got on stage and joined them. It was refreshing. I was trying not to play too loud, but apparently the director could hear me, and told Aya that I was really good. Cuz in Japan, I don't think its ok for him to tell me himself. Anywho, I introduced myself in Japanese, and they were all impressed. And they all think I'm super kawaii(cute.) I DIDN'T MEANT TO BE! I just heard them all ooh-ing and aaah-ing about me speaking japanese, so I basically explained that I wasn't fluent, but I'd try my best. And I don't know. I said it cutely, I suppose?
I went to to all of my schools yesterday, too. It was awesome. My feet are too big for Japan. So my shoes don't fit in the cubby I'm supposed to use. So they had to assign me to a cubby that doesn't an animal. But other than that, and the fact that I'm not a fast shoe changer, everything was awesome. One of the schools had my name written on the greeting board. It was adorable. And the kids...oh, the kids. Apparently, I'm sugoi and kakkoii. And everyone wanted to say "hi" and "bye" a bajillion times. And that's ok with me. But all of the girls were shy, and wouldn't talk to me unless they were in groups. The boys would straight up follow me and keep saying "hi." They were fearless. It was awesome. I'm excited about starting, and all of my co-teachers are excited that I speak japanese. I feel like they are going to come at me, bro. So I have a feeling there will be a lot of "Sumimasen ga, yukkuri hanashite kudasai" (I'm sorry, could you please speak slower?)
Also........A new fire emblem came bye


  1. "So they had to assign me to a cubby that doesn't an animal."
    I laughed so hard when I read this.
