Thursday, April 26, 2012

Another successful day

I won't go on and on about how I'm doing the same thing well everyday. I just would be remiss if I didn't hi-light one of todays differentiating factors. 4th grades
Surprise! I had to teach 4th grade today.  Which was cool. I did the same thing I did for the 5th and 6th graders, it just took longer, so we used fewer cards for Wipeout.  But they are so. LOUD! They were SCREAMING at me the entire class period.  It was intense.  And the look on the 4th grade teacher's face was just like, "Yep. This is my life everyday. Deal with it."  Not only that, but they were literally crawling over their desks to try to talk to me. And to touch my hands to try to get my attention.
And there was this one boy.  Okay, so in my flash cards, I have one of a random Shiba Inu, which is the kind of dog I have, and I have one of Kiba, my dog.  It just so happens that I am also in that picture holding her.  It makes for some quick laughter when I'm showing them all my card. I pick a random student and point to me and say "Kiba jya naiyo!" and everyone laughs.  And so at the board I point to the japanese dog and they all say "Shiba" and then I point to my dog and the all say "Kiba" because rhyming is fun. The end. But this guy. He decided "Eff, that noise. That is a picture of you" So everytime I pointed to Kiba he would scream "D sensei." And when no one else joined in, he just kept....getting....LOUDER.  I have some fun rhythmically with the cards and get a nice little "Kiba! Shiba! Kiba! Shiba!" chant going on.  But this guy, just kept screaming "D sensei!" And at the end of class, he started a chant "D sensei! Shiba! D sensei! Shiba!"  I guess he wanted to make sure no one else was fooled. It was hilarious.
Also...I just remembered. I made friends with the kids with special needs at this school, too.  After lunch, I was hanging out outside the teachers room, cuz I felt awkward sitting in there with nothing to do.  And they all came up to me saying "Hello! Hi!" and the like.  And they kept giving me high fives. It was awesome.
Also, some guy asked me if I ate poop. He thought it was hilarious. I pretended not to understand. So then he mimed it for me.  And I just kept playing dumb.  Cuz eff that. I'm not dignifying that question with an answer.

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