Thursday, May 3, 2012

Gold Week

Started off the best way possible. No work on Monday.  Not that I mind my job, but a three day weekend is always nice.  Then tuesday rolled around, and the day began with astounding promise. "You are such a good teacher. We love you."  Those were the words of my head English teacher as she shook my hand.  I had just explained my lesson plan for the sixth graders to her, and she thanked me, and then ran off to make copies.  It feels good to have my work and ideas appreciated.
The lesson itself was pretty ok.  It wasn't as fun as the first one, but the kids and I had a good time.  Its challenging.  The book I ave has no instructions, the book the teachers have have instructions exclusively in Japanese, and the lesson plan from my company has lesson guidelines that don't line up with the
I make up stuff that I think is relevant, and hope the teachers don't get mad.
Tuesday, I took a trip back to Mito, where I had done some extra training.  It was nice to see the office staff again.  They are a nice bunch of folks, and I got to congratulate of one them on his recent wedding.  So huzzah.  Then I ran into a Joshua, the head trainer from our branch.  I told him that I was really grateful for what he taught me, and that I was using it in my lessons in every class.  He was happy to hear it.
Yesterday was kind of tough.  First real complaint about one of my school. It was f%#*ing hot.  I was suffering.  And there was simply nothing I could do about it.  Except drink butt loads of water in between my classes.  Also, I got to make a broadcast over the PA system to the entire school.  They took a picture of me, blew it up, and then hung one in every classroom.  So then I introduced myself in English and in Japanese, so that all the kids and teachers would be familiar and hopefully talk to me.
Teaching is great and all, and it makes me really happy, but what really sells me on this job is the communication I'm getting from all of the kids.  They ALL want to talk to me. And it's awesome.  They kids clean the school on a regular basis, and I've helped a couple of times.  At Sotono, there are these 2nd graders who have called dibs on me during cleaning time.  The first week, I just ran into them.  This week, the sought me out, and took me to the stairs to sweep.  And tied my handkerchief to my head. And asked me a million questions that I just didn't have the answer to.  So if I ever got too confused, I just made a goofy face, and they laughed and asked a different one.  Then on wednesday, I went with the VP to sweep the gym.  And the whole way there I was assailed by "hello's" and "how are you's?"  And the VP thought it was awesome.
So, back to teaching.  I added an extra level of challenge to the memory game I call "Wipeout."  After the board was clear, I had the students replace the flash cards one by one, just for extra association practice.  On tuesday, it was fine.  All four classes had no problem.  On wed.....well, my special ones had other plans. First of all, I was ecstatic that they volunteered to help me.  I'm really glad I am able to reach them.  And second, I was super excited that one of them doesn't run and hide from me anymore.  So I call one of them up to put the card back on the board.  The one who wont stop talking.  He was just supposed to put the card back on the board.  He has other plans.  He turns to the class and starts drilling them on the vocabulary, basically playing his own game of wipeout.  And he flips the flashcard around using "flashcard magic" so they can't actually see what it is.  Eventually, he puts the card on the board and takes his seat.  To my astonishment, the next kid to volunteer was the one who last week hid behind his teacher.  And he does the same thing.  Runs the class through the words before he puts his card away.  It was glorious.
5th graders needed to become accustomed to the phrases "hello, my name is, whats your name, nice to meet you."  So I did a chant that went over really well, and also let me hear the students names again. It was awesome.  Also.....I got to use Naruto and my ninja ducks, Polo, Paco, and Pablo.  For those of you who may not know, Pepe has suffered an unknown fate. I miss him.  Either way, the kids had a blast using the words they were supposed to learn. I count it as a win.  Screw the book. I do what I want.......mostaly.
Last night we went out.  Had fewer drinks than I had planned to, but didn't really seem like anyone really wanted to party hearty.  Its a recurring trend here in Hitachinaka, but I'm coping the best I can.  And also, Thursday and Friday are holidays.  Gold week for the win.  That's right.  A two day work week, right after a three day weekend, followed by a four day weekend.  Nice.  Dexter OUT!

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