Monday, May 28, 2012

To my readers

Hello all. First and foremost, I do appreciate you all taking the time to read my blog and follow my journey.  As I press onward, I keep finding it harder and harder to update regularly.  And the end of each day, I just find my mind shuts off and productivity rapidly reaches zero.  I feel guilty knowing that there are some of you who check only to find that nothing has been updated.  My solution is thus: I will update twice a week, on mondays and fridays.  The update should occur early in the morning, because I plan on forcing myself to write it as soon as I get home from work.  That is the official new plan.
Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday of last week were all mainly comprised of practice for the sports festival on saturday.  I helped out where I could, showing support for my kids, and encouraging them to give it their all. On wed, I was invited to go to the sports festival for higashi ishikawa, one of the schools where I teach.  I gladly accepted.
On saturday, I arrived at school and surprised most of the students.  They had no idea I would be there.  It was nice to see them light up, and it feels cool to know you're the coolest guy there, or at least the most popular.  I saw parents in huddles whispering about me, which means I've been discussed at home.  And I suppose thats a good thing.
The day was long, and the kids competed well. I was really proud watching them and cheering them on.  During lunch, I was assaulted with all kinds of food.  One kid gave me a piece of candy, and then EVERY OTHER CHILD also tried to give me a snack of some sort.  I tried to hide in the teacher's room, but all of the teachers then tried to get me to eat.  I had pastires, more candy, and onigiri.  It was all delicious.  I ventured back outside and was led to meet many parents.  They were all brief introductions, because all of my students kept dragging me to meet their parents.  It was fun, and I'm happy that my kids like me.  And that they try to speak to me in English.  I haven't taught them a whole lot, but at least I've imparted upon them a joy of communication, which is one of the aims of our company. Score.
Sunday, a couple of us went to the beach.  It was fun.  We battled the ocean some, but mostly just sat around talking about all kinds of things.  We ended up bowling later on that night, and then went out for dinner.  It was a nice day.
Today I spent trying to be productive.  My elementary school was closed, so I had an at home work day.  I did some cleaning, did some laundry, and did some lesson planning.  Not as much as I wanted to, but enough to feel like I'm ready for the next two days.  Which is a relief.  I'm going to bed soon.  I'm really tired today.  I blame my futon.  It's really just not the most comfortable thing to sleep on.  I'm basically sleeping on the floor.  I tried putting some pillows under it, but they are losing their fluff, because I weigh a lot.  Every morning I wake up sore because of the pressure of my body agaisnt the ground, so its hard to feel really rested.  I hope to remedy the situation somehow...but not until after I get paid on thursday.
Dexter OUT

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

It's been a week.

I'll try to give you all a quick re-cap.  Last wednesday was "awful."  It was an extremely hot day.  And on top of that, I caught some sort of horrendous stomach bug.  Teaching kids when you have a violently upset stomach is not an easy task, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.  So for every one of my teachers who has had to fake it and make it through class, Bravo.  The teaching wasn't so bad, but it was, again, hot, and the day was long.  I had to teach 5 classes.  That's not terrible, really, but in conjunction with everything else, I just wasn't having a good day.
My stomach continued to revolt throughout thursday, and the teachers at school noticed.  I assured them that I was fine, but I was unable to mask my pain completely.  That day was mostly a blur, and a concentrated effort to make it through each class.  I finally felt better at the end of the day, and was able to make it through band rehearsal that night.
Fridays are always hectic, because I teach "six" classes.  I teach 4 whole periods, and then do and half into lesson with some of the younger students.  It's fun, but its quite the hectic scramble.  Some of the 5th graders decided to cartwheel out of class.  I didn't quite know how to respond, so I just continued with the lesson while the teacher went to collect them.  It was hilarious, but I kept my cool and continued the lesson.  The 6th graders were "supposed" to do a worksheet.  I had one planned for them.  But the Language teacher saw it and turned it down flat.  So I had to come up with something to do, and fast.  I made it work with Janken assassins and parachute man, and decided that it would be fun to incorporate that into the rest of my lessons.  Also, I have this friday off. WOO!
Speaking of schedule changes, it gets really difficult to remember what classes have learned what when things are constantly changing with m schedule.  On wed, the 5th graders are a full week ahead of everyone else, and I have varying degrees of sixth grade differences through the rest of the week.  I made an excel spreadsheet to help me remember, but its tough.  Especially because I'm not prone to being very organized.
This past weekend, we all let loose at the duck.  It's a bar named "The Drunken Duck," but since we're regulars now, we just call it the duck.  Then saturday I spent being productive around the house until I went to a charity event at a club.  It was fun, and I ended up with a new shirt.  Ryota asked if we could trade shirts.  I don't know why.  I don't know if its common in Japan for people to trade shirts with each other, but he asked, and I said sure.  So he got my crummy wife beater, and I got his snazzy afro t-shirt.  I was down. Then we left the club and went to a snack bar.  I made friends with some of the band members from the club, and we had a good time.
Sunday was indeed a day of rest.
Monday was intense.  I only taught for an hour and a half. Two 45 minute classes.  But both of them were double lessons.  So two 5th grade classes at a time, twice.  Made it seem like forever.  But it really wasn't.
Then, today, I walked into school and was told that my bosses would be observing me today.  I don't know if I've expressed this clearly before, but Tuesdays are my least favorite days.  They are all 6th grade, and it's the first time I teach the new lesson.  So if it's going to tank and fail, I have no idea until after my first class tuesday.  The problem is they were scheduled to show at 10, right during my first lesson.  Luckily, for whatever reason, they didn't come.  We'll see what the rest of the week holds.  Now I'm off to sleep, so I can be ready for a long day tomorrow.
Dexter OUT

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

I wish

That I could blog telepathically, so I wouldn't forget all of the things I wanted to blog about.  Today was a good day.  I got to help with rehearsal for the sports festival to this epic remix of "The Mickey Mouse" song.  My 5th grade lessons went ok.  The classes are at very different speeds though.  So now i have to decide what to do about trying to keep the classes on the same lesson.  I didn't teach the 6th graders today, which was cool.  I think my brain might have melted. Also, this school is freaking hot.  The bad thing about not teaching 6th grade, though, is that I don't get to have class with my special needs kids.  I saw them in the halls and they made me happy.  The one who used to run away from me, now runs towards me.  The one with aspergers still never stops talking, and the one who reads to me started singing to me in the hallway.   The greeting song I taught them. So at least they know how to use it.  And he talked reminded me to watch naruto.  "Naruto o mirutebayo!"  Which is precious, because I never told him I watched Naruto.  Not directly.  He was listening to my broadcast over the speaker system, remembered, and then talked to me about it.  I feel like I'm making a lot of good progress.
I also don't understand why I'm so exhausted today.  I feel completely drained.  Maybe it was the 5 classes I taught.  Maybe its the heat. But man..I feel like a mess.
Dexter OUT

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Musicians, man..

Today was the BBQ for the  band I'm in.  It was awesome.  I forgot to charge my camera battery, so I couldn't take pictures. I'm sorry. But it was a great day.  I got to hang out with everyone in a very relaxed setting, instead of a rehearsal.  One of the trumpet players has a son, and he brought him to the BBQ today.  And once  the kid got over being scared of me, he went straight for my junk.  Apparently, it's just what kids in Japan do.  The kids at my wednesday school figured out I had a giant behind this past week.  They were all tugging and pulling at me so I wouldn't go back inside.  And elementary kids, for the most part, are groin/behind height.  I try my best to keep them from being all up in my business, but that just means my behind is exposed.  And Japanese parents/teachers think this behavior is totally acceptable and just laugh about it.  Kind of weird, but oh well.
Yesterday, some of the kids from my elementary school followed me home.  I was just minding my business at the park, and they saw me.  I said hello and did the whole thing where I'm happy to see them and encourgae them to speak in English.  Then we said our goodbye's and I left.  Yeah, apparently goodbye wasnt enough for them.  So they silently stalked me.  Once the figured out which house I was in(I pulled my laundry down) they all started screaming "HI, D SENSEI!!!!!"  So that will be interesting.
All  in all, I'm glad this week is over. I had to teach a lesson that I really don't like all week.  Made it kind of annoying.  Plus, I was dropping fail bombs all over the place.  If I had failed any harder this week, I'm sure one of the teachers/students would have noticed.  But luck being on my side, I failed just enough to still provide a polished product. w00t.
So at the BBQ, I learned some tokai(the city) musician slang. It was cool.  And everyone tried their best to make me feel welcome.  And to make sure I was well fed. I ate. so. much. Not that I am complaining. I love to eat. But every time I finished a plate of food, they would order me another one. It was chotto ridiculous.  Also they kept feeding me alcohol.  I guess they just wanted to see what would happen. Luckily, I spent the last 9 years in Tallahassee.  Japanese band members have got NOTHING on fsu drunken shennanigans.  However, the alcohol limit in Japan is 0%.  If you have a beer, you are drunk, and cannot drive.  But there is a service called Daiko where two people show up to where you are, drive you to your card(if it is parked a ways away) and then drive you, and your car, home.  So that was plan for today,  But Miyagi San had my back.  He didn't drink today, and then had his daughter follow him as he drove me and my car back to my house.  It was fantastic.
Dexter OUT!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

3rd Graders

They are an intense bunch.  I don't think they have a volume filter.  One boy was literally screaming himself hoarse.  I tried to tone the volume down, and it worked for maybe two seconds.  Then they were back full blast.  But at least they were participating.
I found out at the end of the day yesterday, that I wouldn't be teaching my normal classes today.  The 6th graders had a field day?  So they didn't have time for English.  So as I was heading out, the Head English Teacher said, "Hey.  Please introduce yourself tomorrow.  No 6th graders.  Just 3rd grade."  So I got to do my intro lesson again, which is cool because it's awesome.  And I think I'm doing it again tomorrow and thursday, and will probably end up doing it friday, too.  I'm just gonna keep my intro stuff on me at all times. To prevent any sneak attacks.
I made a little boy cry today.  I didn't mean to.  I was doing with thing with the flash cards, and he REALLY wanted to be the first one to see what I was hiding. did everyone else.  And I just didn't happen to choose him.  When I got back to the front of the classroom, he had his face buried in his arms.  I thought he was just tired and done paying attention to me.  But when the teacher went over to him, he sat up and I could see that he was crying his little heart out.  And I felt awful.  And it was the last flashcard, so I couldn't help him. It was the worst.  I made it all better with a couple of high fives at the end of class.  I fought my way back there, through the grasping hands of all the other kids, and gave him two high fives and a high ten.  And no one else got any.  And he was ok after that.
Work is good.  For the most part. I really dont like the way the book wants me to teach.  It's weird. But I don't really have a choice.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

The future’s so uncertain
For every step we take
Every good decision
And every last mistake
Will alter where we’re headed
And change the things we see
Pervert the things we hope for
And change who we will be
The past is full of questions
For everything is done
Nothing can be altered
The wheel of fate has spun
It beckons us to wonder
To worry, doubt, and blame
If everything was different
Would it be the same?
 The present’s ever fleeting
Fading to the past
Running like a river
Knowing it won’t last
Racing to the future
Flying towards a star
Reflections in a mirror
Showing who you are
Lost inside a lifetime
Struggling to get by
I look inside and wonder
Who and what am I?

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Gold Week

Started off the best way possible. No work on Monday.  Not that I mind my job, but a three day weekend is always nice.  Then tuesday rolled around, and the day began with astounding promise. "You are such a good teacher. We love you."  Those were the words of my head English teacher as she shook my hand.  I had just explained my lesson plan for the sixth graders to her, and she thanked me, and then ran off to make copies.  It feels good to have my work and ideas appreciated.
The lesson itself was pretty ok.  It wasn't as fun as the first one, but the kids and I had a good time.  Its challenging.  The book I ave has no instructions, the book the teachers have have instructions exclusively in Japanese, and the lesson plan from my company has lesson guidelines that don't line up with the
I make up stuff that I think is relevant, and hope the teachers don't get mad.
Tuesday, I took a trip back to Mito, where I had done some extra training.  It was nice to see the office staff again.  They are a nice bunch of folks, and I got to congratulate of one them on his recent wedding.  So huzzah.  Then I ran into a Joshua, the head trainer from our branch.  I told him that I was really grateful for what he taught me, and that I was using it in my lessons in every class.  He was happy to hear it.
Yesterday was kind of tough.  First real complaint about one of my school. It was f%#*ing hot.  I was suffering.  And there was simply nothing I could do about it.  Except drink butt loads of water in between my classes.  Also, I got to make a broadcast over the PA system to the entire school.  They took a picture of me, blew it up, and then hung one in every classroom.  So then I introduced myself in English and in Japanese, so that all the kids and teachers would be familiar and hopefully talk to me.
Teaching is great and all, and it makes me really happy, but what really sells me on this job is the communication I'm getting from all of the kids.  They ALL want to talk to me. And it's awesome.  They kids clean the school on a regular basis, and I've helped a couple of times.  At Sotono, there are these 2nd graders who have called dibs on me during cleaning time.  The first week, I just ran into them.  This week, the sought me out, and took me to the stairs to sweep.  And tied my handkerchief to my head. And asked me a million questions that I just didn't have the answer to.  So if I ever got too confused, I just made a goofy face, and they laughed and asked a different one.  Then on wednesday, I went with the VP to sweep the gym.  And the whole way there I was assailed by "hello's" and "how are you's?"  And the VP thought it was awesome.
So, back to teaching.  I added an extra level of challenge to the memory game I call "Wipeout."  After the board was clear, I had the students replace the flash cards one by one, just for extra association practice.  On tuesday, it was fine.  All four classes had no problem.  On wed.....well, my special ones had other plans. First of all, I was ecstatic that they volunteered to help me.  I'm really glad I am able to reach them.  And second, I was super excited that one of them doesn't run and hide from me anymore.  So I call one of them up to put the card back on the board.  The one who wont stop talking.  He was just supposed to put the card back on the board.  He has other plans.  He turns to the class and starts drilling them on the vocabulary, basically playing his own game of wipeout.  And he flips the flashcard around using "flashcard magic" so they can't actually see what it is.  Eventually, he puts the card on the board and takes his seat.  To my astonishment, the next kid to volunteer was the one who last week hid behind his teacher.  And he does the same thing.  Runs the class through the words before he puts his card away.  It was glorious.
5th graders needed to become accustomed to the phrases "hello, my name is, whats your name, nice to meet you."  So I did a chant that went over really well, and also let me hear the students names again. It was awesome.  Also.....I got to use Naruto and my ninja ducks, Polo, Paco, and Pablo.  For those of you who may not know, Pepe has suffered an unknown fate. I miss him.  Either way, the kids had a blast using the words they were supposed to learn. I count it as a win.  Screw the book. I do what I want.......mostaly.
Last night we went out.  Had fewer drinks than I had planned to, but didn't really seem like anyone really wanted to party hearty.  Its a recurring trend here in Hitachinaka, but I'm coping the best I can.  And also, Thursday and Friday are holidays.  Gold week for the win.  That's right.  A two day work week, right after a three day weekend, followed by a four day weekend.  Nice.  Dexter OUT!