Tuesday, May 15, 2012

I wish

That I could blog telepathically, so I wouldn't forget all of the things I wanted to blog about.  Today was a good day.  I got to help with rehearsal for the sports festival to this epic remix of "The Mickey Mouse" song.  My 5th grade lessons went ok.  The classes are at very different speeds though.  So now i have to decide what to do about trying to keep the classes on the same lesson.  I didn't teach the 6th graders today, which was cool.  I think my brain might have melted. Also, this school is freaking hot.  The bad thing about not teaching 6th grade, though, is that I don't get to have class with my special needs kids.  I saw them in the halls and they made me happy.  The one who used to run away from me, now runs towards me.  The one with aspergers still never stops talking, and the one who reads to me started singing to me in the hallway.   The greeting song I taught them. So at least they know how to use it.  And he talked reminded me to watch naruto.  "Naruto o mirutebayo!"  Which is precious, because I never told him I watched Naruto.  Not directly.  He was listening to my broadcast over the speaker system, remembered, and then talked to me about it.  I feel like I'm making a lot of good progress.
I also don't understand why I'm so exhausted today.  I feel completely drained.  Maybe it was the 5 classes I taught.  Maybe its the heat. But man..I feel like a mess.
Dexter OUT

1 comment:

  1. "te bayo" at the end and everything huh? How funny...
