Tuesday, May 8, 2012

3rd Graders

They are an intense bunch.  I don't think they have a volume filter.  One boy was literally screaming himself hoarse.  I tried to tone the volume down, and it worked for maybe two seconds.  Then they were back full blast.  But at least they were participating.
I found out at the end of the day yesterday, that I wouldn't be teaching my normal classes today.  The 6th graders had a field day?  So they didn't have time for English.  So as I was heading out, the Head English Teacher said, "Hey.  Please introduce yourself tomorrow.  No 6th graders.  Just 3rd grade."  So I got to do my intro lesson again, which is cool because it's awesome.  And I think I'm doing it again tomorrow and thursday, and will probably end up doing it friday, too.  I'm just gonna keep my intro stuff on me at all times. To prevent any sneak attacks.
I made a little boy cry today.  I didn't mean to.  I was doing with thing with the flash cards, and he REALLY wanted to be the first one to see what I was hiding.  But...so did everyone else.  And I just didn't happen to choose him.  When I got back to the front of the classroom, he had his face buried in his arms.  I thought he was just tired and done paying attention to me.  But when the teacher went over to him, he sat up and I could see that he was crying his little heart out.  And I felt awful.  And it was the last flashcard, so I couldn't help him. It was the worst.  I made it all better with a couple of high fives at the end of class.  I fought my way back there, through the grasping hands of all the other kids, and gave him two high fives and a high ten.  And no one else got any.  And he was ok after that.
Work is good.  For the most part. I really dont like the way the book wants me to teach.  It's weird. But I don't really have a choice.

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