Saturday, May 12, 2012

Musicians, man..

Today was the BBQ for the  band I'm in.  It was awesome.  I forgot to charge my camera battery, so I couldn't take pictures. I'm sorry. But it was a great day.  I got to hang out with everyone in a very relaxed setting, instead of a rehearsal.  One of the trumpet players has a son, and he brought him to the BBQ today.  And once  the kid got over being scared of me, he went straight for my junk.  Apparently, it's just what kids in Japan do.  The kids at my wednesday school figured out I had a giant behind this past week.  They were all tugging and pulling at me so I wouldn't go back inside.  And elementary kids, for the most part, are groin/behind height.  I try my best to keep them from being all up in my business, but that just means my behind is exposed.  And Japanese parents/teachers think this behavior is totally acceptable and just laugh about it.  Kind of weird, but oh well.
Yesterday, some of the kids from my elementary school followed me home.  I was just minding my business at the park, and they saw me.  I said hello and did the whole thing where I'm happy to see them and encourgae them to speak in English.  Then we said our goodbye's and I left.  Yeah, apparently goodbye wasnt enough for them.  So they silently stalked me.  Once the figured out which house I was in(I pulled my laundry down) they all started screaming "HI, D SENSEI!!!!!"  So that will be interesting.
All  in all, I'm glad this week is over. I had to teach a lesson that I really don't like all week.  Made it kind of annoying.  Plus, I was dropping fail bombs all over the place.  If I had failed any harder this week, I'm sure one of the teachers/students would have noticed.  But luck being on my side, I failed just enough to still provide a polished product. w00t.
So at the BBQ, I learned some tokai(the city) musician slang. It was cool.  And everyone tried their best to make me feel welcome.  And to make sure I was well fed. I ate. so. much. Not that I am complaining. I love to eat. But every time I finished a plate of food, they would order me another one. It was chotto ridiculous.  Also they kept feeding me alcohol.  I guess they just wanted to see what would happen. Luckily, I spent the last 9 years in Tallahassee.  Japanese band members have got NOTHING on fsu drunken shennanigans.  However, the alcohol limit in Japan is 0%.  If you have a beer, you are drunk, and cannot drive.  But there is a service called Daiko where two people show up to where you are, drive you to your card(if it is parked a ways away) and then drive you, and your car, home.  So that was plan for today,  But Miyagi San had my back.  He didn't drink today, and then had his daughter follow him as he drove me and my car back to my house.  It was fantastic.
Dexter OUT!

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